The theme of the markets was Autumn Leaves and (BELOW) this is our honey display, complete with autumn leaves. We also had beeswax candles for sale too.
We hope to have homemade beeswax furniture wax available at future markets too and homemade honey soaps too.
So far so good and things seem to be quite normal. We have small hive beetle in our hives (as most hives in Queensland do) but not to a level that it's starting to damage things - yet. So we are keeping up the maintenance on our beetle traps - we use the traps with Diatomaceous Earth and we've observed dead and dying beetles in these traps so they do work.
In the photo below you can see we're sliding one through the front of the hive into the brood box.
The bees also quickly fill up the trap entry points with propolis, so they need to be removed and cleaned regularly. I use boiling water to clean the equipment thoroughly (this is on advice from the DPI via the local beekeeping group). We also need to get set up to set fire to our hive tools using methylated spirits to sterilise them too.
So everyday we can add this honey to our breakfast and enjoy the unfiltered honey with all the health benefits that entails.
I've also been researching the best native plants to plant here - we need to revegetate some areas of our permaculture garden, provide some screening for privacy in some areas and while we're doing it, we thought we'd ensure all the plants we bring in to the property are bee friendly.
I'll write another post soon about what we've discovered and how we are starting to go about writing up our bee forage calendar for the year.
The Novice Beekeeper
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