Monday, September 14, 2009

Bee Keeping course part 1

I had a fantastic time at the bee keeping course on Saturday at Conondale. I learnt so much and I'm now inspired to get started on our own bee hives.

The full day course covered so much information I've decided to break it up into sections to post - tools, hives, bees, etc.

But here are a few photos of the day to whet your appetite.

Bee hives behind a fence - keeps people from walking in front of the hives (bees don't like that) and also allows chooks to be released to free range in the area which keeps weeds under control (so you don't need to mow in front of the hives) and also helps keep the Hive Beetle under control.

I learnt the value of buying a good suit - this all in one suit keeps the bees out which reduces the chance of being stung.

There are jacket and hood versions too, but I think I'll go for the full suit.

This is the smoker we used to calm the bees as we checked the hives.

The logo on the smoker.

Some of the tools used by bee keepers.

I'll write up my notes in more detail to post here in installments.


  1. Hi Sonya, We are planning to get some hives for our backyard sometime down the track. Look forward to reading about your experiences with beekeeping in the meantime :)

    Rich and Ally

  2. I just wanted to share my bad experience.
    I just puchased a Nucleus hive from Guilfoyles and after 2 days I transferred the nuke and it was full of hive beetle.
    I went back and purchased an 8 frame bottom board which incorporates a beetle trap. The bottom board upon close inspection when I got it home and before I was about to paint it found it to be falling apart already and was of extremely poor workmanship. This was the best one chosen as at the shop in Inala the others were worse.
    I tried to make my own repairs and found the materials was of poor quality also and just made matters worse(And I am reasonably handy) I have just paid $37 for scrap timber only good for fire wood!
